> men are far more driven by sex than women.
Post proofs.
> In fact you could argue that if Tolkien forgoes that then actually he is creating a much more realistic representation of women and not just a male fantasy.
You can't make that argument since you did not read the book.

> Well considering how they aren't really anything alike at all
You can't tell if they are the same or not, since you did not read the book.

> What exactly is so special or niche about her that would dictate that she must have been based on something else and that nobody could have thought that up on their own?
Eowin is set up as a warrior woman. And ends up as a housemaid. What kind of author creates such arc? Those who write "nordic epic" sure don't. Maybe in your animes.
Tolien is simply a bad novelist.

Read the book. And suffer.