Ok, so you were talking about a mental "unbalance", or out-of-norm out-of-place "balance", resulting from the professional conditioning. Of course, that makes sense
Actually, this explanation is probably within the orthodoxy and in some cases it might be a deliberately sought-after state, just like how part of the military training is to remove from the/some trainees potential reservations that they might have, possibly born out instinctive senses (something like "empathy"), in order to make out of them more effective extensions of the commander's will. Similar training no doubt also is imparted to police, specially considering the growing militarization of civil forces.
The videos don't show any "beating" (as in punching, kicking, etc.) but if you skip around in the videos you can hear and also read subtitles which show that he did realize he harmed her because he makes comments about it. Like asking where some blood came from, or in the video showing the police-station office he asks "did you hear the pop?", they all watch the dude's worn camera and he expectantly announces "here comes the pop!" and "I love it!", he also looks at some documents in his computer discovering that she's 73 and might have mental issues yet the old woman would remain several more hours handcuffed to a cell with an injured arm and shoulder. Seems like he also didn't really need to drop her into the ground again to apply that leg restraint because he says to the fatso something along the lines of just being very eager to finally be able to use it on someone
Of course, way better than being shot 8 times Lol