> Russia is not as economically dependent on the west
Russian economic is still dependent on west in technology sphere. Most of equipment in manufacture is western or Chinese, but western one still required, while Chinese doesn't give proper quality in high-tech (like in case when German engines were swapped with Chinese ones on some new military ships and, surprisingly, they broke much). But this situation slowly changes in time because China becoming better. European companies often ignore sanctions though and still supply equipment to Russian anyway.
Some sources for example: https://www.rbc.ru/economics/29/05/2018/5b0c20439a7947ebce0aad98
But all this discussion relies on false assumption that government really cares about economical situation in country. They actually care about own funds and property, and in case of economic collapse they still wouldn't lost much. For example, Rotenberg (very influential oligarch) lost some money after 2014 sanctions, and state just gave him same amount of money in government contracts (Crimean bridge etc). So, limited military action is possible until it is not "too much". Considering "too much" - modern west wouldn't do anything serious anyway, especially for protection of Ukraine that is nothing for them.
Russian elites view Russia mostly as money-grabbing place, having "backup" property in the West (mostly using kids or spouses as proxy). Maybe some people in government are patriotic and really anti-western, but they aren't majority.
West is not different though, just look at all that coronavirus thing with lockdowns for example. It doesn't matter how much common citizen lose until it is bad for people who make decisions. Those people rarely got hit by consequences of their own actions.
> dependent on the west as China is
West is also very dependent on China, maybe even more than China on west. Try to find anything non-chinese made nowadays that is relevant to modern society. And amount of non-chinese products decreases in time.
But it doesn't matter, because China will get Taiwan in any case, by peaceful economical annexation. Taiwanese students already study in mainland, Taiwanese companies rely on mainland contracts. Wait some time and Taiwan will slowly join China by itself, especially because USA becomes less attractive as economic partner and China only grows.