> never was any chance of X invading X
Indeed a country cannot invade itself. That said, if the DPP gets too uppity for its own good, there is little doubt in my mind that the strait will not suffice to keep them from Beijing's retribution. I'm sure no sovereign country would tolerate a piece of its history, land and people to become a gigantic floating base for an aggressive, warmongering, adversarial state. In fact, USA didn't even need such qualifications (history, land, people) to escalate to MAD levels when presented with the roughly comparable predicament of the Cuba (-Turkey) missile crisis
The above-mentioned cases can also clarify the current Ukraine situation, mutatis mutandis. (And note that I don't bring up China gratuitously: how many high-level diplomatic meetings took place between US and Russia in 2021 and 2022? They sure seem intent to pursue discussion and negotiation)
> Russia is not as economically ....
As others have pointed out, you are a lousy laussy shitposter
> they really have made themselves
No. The anglo media have somewhat bored themselves of their anti-china rhetoric and are taking a short break by going back to their good old Russiagate & Putler groove
> enemy of the west again
Again? When did USA (whose foreign policy is more-or-less the only one that matters in "the west") remove Russia from its crosshairs? Nonsense
> deploying troops or flying jets on the border to make a fuss
No, it was the US sailing a bunch of warships on the strait to make a fuss. China has been flying aircraft near or over self-proclaimed taiwanese space for years
> They were trying hard to conceal what they were doing and when spotted they then made those lists of demands to the west almost as an afterthought or a distraction.
You seem to have zero clue about the current NATO-Ukraine-Donbass-Russia and arms race/control situation. Reports about larger-than-usual troop deployments by both Ukraine and Russia near their respective borders and Donbass, as well as an uptick in the ceasefire violations, have been going at least since August/September of last year, and previously the same western media-op about "invasion" had been played in March/April when the previous round of troop deployments and military exercises by both neighbours took place. (Independent of that, westernist media have been crying their hearts out about them imminently losing their new client state for YEARS.) Meanwhile, the "security equation" proposals to Usa/nato were made in December
It's all so tiring. Even the sluts of the ukraine govt. had to come out saying that the narrative was overblown once the hysteria started hurting their economy (and not just theirs, also russia's and even western europe's)
But who cares? War hype is good for the US: it provides good business to its military contractors, it fans the animosity in both sides driving them further apart, and if in the end war does break out, it offers a golden opportunity for economic warfare and finally kicking off Cold War 2 in earnest (plus Nato can finally be open about its true target)
To be totally honest, this gay propaganda blitz has the opposite effect of persuading me that maybe russia should have put an end to this circus and liberated the ukraine back in 2014. It would have been relatively easy then to just waltz over to Lvov and the world would have been spared all this gayness. Soviets really messed up the borderlands' future by annexing those previously Polish-Lithuanian or Austro-Hungarian areas in the west
> they are doing
< it's your own fault that we hate you for not submitting to nato's expansionist "core principles"
Lol, ok