> I know for webdevving even very low end pc's are fine
Modern webdev is pretty resource-consuming, but it depends on tools that developer uses. Generic web project now is overweight shit that requires complex building procedures (hello, webpack) to do even simple things, especially considering that typical js coder rarely can write complex code at all and uses heavy external libs for basic tasks. Old but good article: https://www.davidhaney.io/npm-left-pad-have-we-forgotten-how-to-program/
So even simple app that uses all that shit may consume for rebuilding itself after changes much more resources than scientific mainframe in 1995 consumed for complex weather calculation. It isn't true fault of library/tool authors but mostly result of flaws in industry on grand scale, when endless layers of abstraction are written in more and more generic way to allow faster and easier development with unskilled people. And in the end you, even if you are good coder who cares about optimizations, still need to use these tools because it is industry standard that you need to use for commercial development. It is hard to find anything commercial in web frontend without react/vue/nuxt/next/whatever, even if you want to avoid it. And it is hard to avoid web frontend when you are in web, maybe only even in large companies when separation of work truly exists.
Common modern editors (IDEs mostly) are also pretty overweight. Editor sometimes consumes more CPU and RAM than developed app (even when app is used in production). Of course there are lightweight tools like old-school vim, but common webdev now rarely can code in these things (I've seen multiple people who can't edit 30 lines of simple code in notepad-like editor, and they've had years of commercial experience).
And don't forget about web browsers that eat all resources just because they can.
Of course it depends on what you mean in "low end pc". If you mean average PC from 2015 or such, all these tools would work ok (although not that fast as you want), but on something from 2010 it would be too slow.