thumbnail of 2022-03-01-Russia-Ukraine-map-Who-controls-what-in-Ukraine-DAY-6.jpg
thumbnail of 2022-03-01-Russia-Ukraine-map-Who-controls-what-in-Ukraine-DAY-6.jpg
2022-03-01-Russia-Ukr... jpg
(452.12 KB, 1081x1080)
Here's a map from aljizzair. Looks literally the same to me as yesterday's.
There is a knack to it how to dl from their site, need to open the shit in the devel tools dom view, then copypaste out the link, which pointed to a png file, but what downloads is a webp. Which have to be converted because end doesn't support webp. Nor IceCat.
Liveuamap was better in the sense that pinpointed events and linked the source right at it. Which could be information from little people on the ground. Now we have to rely entirely what large media outlets give us.