thumbnail of 2022-03-11-ukraine.png
thumbnail of 2022-03-11-ukraine.png
2022-03-11-ukraine png
(1.53 MB, 1902x858)
Situation fairly similar. Fightings all about. They uploaded an "evacuation routs around Kiev" map, opened it, then closed in the hope for a link to one with a larger resolution. Now it doesn't load at all. The source is a Telegram channel where I can find the map in a smaller resolution. And can't even open it, I think a Telegram acc would be needed for viewing.
Anyway maybe the reason that this thing slowed down is that Russians waiting for Ukrainian civilians to leave. The talks were about evacuation too, that they open routes for them into Russia and Belarus, but it wasn't good enough for Ukraine.
Now open routes towards not Russian controlled areas mean open routes for armaments into the fighting zone for the Ukrainians, supply. So I assume it is not easy to organize everything.

Oh and this shit is funny.
> my poor EU principles
> they were attacked
> am deebly goncerned