> but rather than a long writeup, I'll make use of the abundant photographic record
That is fine too. This is an imageboard afterall.
> Metalworkers' Union building
I'm guessing that was symbolically significant too.
Sounds like they were incited to action. Question is, were their minds set even before that? Did they expect to get encouraged into action, or they were just clueless tools whom came in handy for their grievances?
> sailors sang the national anthem
Was a good idea to remind the opponent that they aren't enemy, but brothers in arms. Also showing they are unarmed, and therefor not suited to fight them, to appear vulnerable.
Navy incapable, Army not willing. Quite the pickle.
How long this thing went on?
> aircraft carrier
Where that vessel came from? Was purchase or native built?
> announcing he'd resign.
Second admiral down. Quite an achievement on behalf of the mutineers.
They also managed to shuffle the ministers.
It seems the Goulart administration's grip on the armed forces proved to be loose.
Could be that the event was a testing prod by the coupists? Or were they just observed the event thinking the time is right, the situation ripened enough for action?