Spokesman of the... mp4
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>>/46896/ Welp, the Spokesman for the President of Europe, Mr. Teleprompter, has spoken so there we go. As a bonus we also get to again feed the NSA dragnets with the data of Europeans. But legally now! >>/46926/ > current thing Yeah it's really spot-on. > It's an ongoing one since late 2019 It is indeed connected to the gouging of national economies that occurred due to the hysteria and mismanagement of the pandemic. And then the massive bail-outs, hand-outs, and money printing sprees. But I don't believe this necessarily had to go this way. Unfortunately, my predictions about recession and a global economic split between the "west" and the "rest" are not yet refuted (on the contrary, US seems like it wants to move in that direction). US/G7 (aka the "international community") are now set to also include russian gold within their economic war program. Meanwhile, Russia is moving towards requiring Rubles for energy export payments, which some european entities have said they wouldn't agree to, arguing that it would be a breach of contract. If Russia stands firm and EU doesn't compromise (either by releasing the "frozen" russian assets or by buying rubles), then more escalation will ensue: EU may move to actually confiscate (i.e. steal) the russian assets (whatever part of the ~300 billion frozen euro/dollars happens to be stored in the ECB) and use that to offset the costs of the expensive US gas and the infrastructure investment needed to get the new system running (like re-gasification plants); then Russia may have to respond by immediately stopping exports of gas, and possibly other energy products too... It will be uncharted territory. Such situation only increases the chance of the war spilling over. Especially when you have Polan seemingly eager for one (WTF it's like they have Partition Withdrawal Syndrome or something) There is also the matter of potential food shortages being warned about by various high offices (including The Teleprompter). These will basically not affect USA, will not affect EU much, ZH has Russia for all the foodstuff it wants. But some in the "global south" may see serious food shortage, and that could provoke another migration crisis to Europe... >>/46980/ > Bolsonaro said Ukrainians had “placed the hope of their nation in the hands of a comedian.” It is appropriate criticism >>/46981/ Is that because of some political conviction and some knowledge of the conflict/history/people or because they have been consuming shit like CNN?