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> Also got deserted by most of my irl friends
At least I have my KC bros with me. hopefully nothing crazy happens in the next few months
Also ans have a big issue. It involves 2 psycho stalkers in my life a lil bit of a rant
1) stalker #1: a mega kein from my high school. He's currently doing nothing important in his life except talking caca about everyone in high school. He's a grocery store clerk. I'm a programmer. He doesn't like me but still stalks me on normie sites. and caca talking about me. Which doesn't really bother me
2) stalker #2: a very insecure, fat manlet kein who's been following me around every day for almost a year now. Who I legit think is halfway retarded or something Because he's always saying some really dumb and low I.Q Especially about me, or he just starts to scream and has spastic outbursts for no reason. he also does hard drugs like cocaine. He's shown an used bag before. Following me to cafes, obsessively following me on normie sites I had to block him bc of that, even following me near places I've worked in ffs. he scampers away before I notice him. Sometimes even recording me and what I say. Just a complete crazy maniac that you would only find in either a mental asylum, or a very badly made horror movie. he has a female friend that really hates me. But I don't care about her, cuz she's senile tier old and immature. I think I did some random thing to piss her off a while ago while she was near me cuz she's always sending him to say dumb shit on her behalf. He's liek 50 years old and has managed to piss off so many people in his life (liek 40 - 100+ people), that it's kinda crazy to think about.
Now, both of these people say that they don't like me. And have made that very clear in the past. But they can't stop obsessing over me. Literally every waking hour of their lives are dedicated to me for some reason. Is it my good looks? XDDDD But being srs, it's annoying. I can't seem to get rid of them from my life.