> Vecter
Reminds me of old Star Wars game, where the last "map" was that valley on the Death Star and had to fly through it avoiding and shooting obstacles (and in the end shoot the proton torpedo into the Achilles-heel/hole of the DS).

I can't decide if that's the "tasteless" or "I want more abuse your politician vidya" category. Probably getting too old for this shit. I understand the appeal but it feels kinda childish. If I really wanted I could come up with the list of "what politicians should be hanged" but even in their case this kind of petty humiliation (which the real person doesn't suffer from either way, so it's just mental jerkoff category) is too low. I'm also more of a pragmatist and don't make the thing personal. The hypothetical would be hangers, I don't hate them, I just think we would be better off of them.
I don't even understand my compatriots when they see some politician's face on telly or somewhere and start to fume and sputter. As if it would make things better if he is angry at the telly. If it bother them so much, why not just to something about it. Protip: they won't. They just like feeling miserable.