So even the second one isn't dangerous in the sense of violence. That is good. From what you are telling I think the issue is that with the recent events in your life these actions might chip away from your confidence and makes you feel worse generally.
Still, there is harassment and libel. If you turn to authorities keep in mind they will asking questions from you, which might seem unfriendly or hostile (here they really do seem like that), but it mostly comes from scrutiny they want to see what really is to the case. They'll ask if they did physical harm or threatened with that. If there is any evidence you can show, especially about the recurring nature of their activity. Some of the stalkers are crafty fucks with covering tracks and can make it appear that when their victim tries to seek help that person will look like a rambling idiot. Witnesses and written statements of theirs are good too. You should take care you tell everything coherently. It isn't a problem if you are a bit excited, anxious, just stay coherent. You also should tell how their/his activity effects you. You can tell you don't fear from physical harm, but make sure you tell their intrusions into your life cause anxiety and fear from further intrusions. That they are more than minor annoyances. I dunno how these things treated in the West, so asking a lawyer first (who also will ask questions) would be good.
The main thing is we might not control others actions, but we have control over ours. You have control over yourself and how you feel about yourself.
Also the second bloke sounds someone whom I would really prank or push back. You should resist such thoughts. It isn't just escalation which wouldn't stop him, if you take legal actions it is better if the authorities don't find a back and forth war between you two.
There are ways to push them back hard enough, but I'm not good at coming up and doing such that would miss the attention of authorities (I'm too straight on confrontational, and this needs some more, hmm, craftiness), and - don't take this the wrong way but - you doesn't sound like one who could execute something like that.