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2018-05-31-Wall-Stree... png
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> Is giving in to Greed and chasing wealth really going up in life?
It's less that and more so wanting to have financial stability and not have the money you have devaluate.
I'd purchase gold but the process seems very tricky.
> Financial stability and securing the necessities of life is one thing, but should it be the goal?
Not really, I just want my money to not lose purchasing power/value, as I said before.
I've seen crypto and I was into it for a good chunk of my life, but never with a big amount of money as the one I have now.
> Are you speculating with bitcoin? Do you use other crypto?
Not really, I was thinking of putting a part of the money I got into Ethereum, but decided to do an FTD in UVA.
UVA is tied to the argentinean inflation, so the sum of money you deposit increases as inflation goes up. That way you still retain the purchasing power you had when you started the investment.
I originally wanted to purchase dollars, but I can't because I work in a situation where I don't have a paycheck, and when I tried showing them that I pay taxes it didn't really go through. UVAs don't have as many restraints as purchasing dollars, and apparently inflation seems to be higher than devaluation compared to the dollar, so I decided to go with that.

Crypto dumpan just makes me feel a bit of a relief since I didn't decide to put any money on it despite me wanting to. But these cycles come and go, so by october I should have some cash I could use to purchase ETH