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thumbnail of Hungarian-football-wikipee.png
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Some years ago I started a thread about Hungarian football where I wanted to redpill Bernd about it. Managed to be too detailed and made the task too large to finish and trailed off even before the Golden Team. But here's a summary from Wikipedia.
Additional information: now we are 40th at the FIFA ranking, and have an upward trend.
More additional information: we already played tiki-taka even before it became fashionable (a leader of a Hungarian football club in an interview said about an opponent team that they play tiki-taki well; this was mentioned in the context of discussion short passing quick gameplay; I've yet to check the original article, but for mentioning the source's sake, the paper was Sporthirlap, 1942 June 10)

Many football fans here mourns the lost glory. People are divided how they think about the situation and our team. Many can't accept we are playing on lower levels then we should according to them. Many can fall into extreme emotions depending on the results, they can sing praises in one moment then after a shamefur dispray they are very abusive, damning the team and the staff. Some always talk down on the team no matter of the result usually liberals, and here politics also comes in since ObrĂ¡n likes football, and the Fidesz government supports it, so large liberal media and opposition opinion-shapers shit on the results all the time, some can turn too optimist and think we'll win the next game too easy-peasy.
I'm kinda pessimist, maybe realist, and I think we should treat each game individually. I accept that failure is always in the box, but I see that we are capable of holding a level, and adding surprises like this win against England. I accept we aren't among the leading teams, we have a saying: small "money, small football, big money, big football", we can't afford the salary, the staff, the facilities of world class clubs, and I see and accept that. But I think it is on us to school young players who are enthusiastic towards football and want to give the most of their abilities; in this we have a say, and we should.