> I'm not sure how many tanks there are that the 120mm can't kill right 
They have to show it is more developed. Bigger numbers give that illusion.

> object 490
How the turret moves?
> us-concept
That looks cool. Not sure real value. Gun barrel looks short.
> Although it is still old tank from 80s.
Quite so. Old concept with some futuristic shit glued to it. As if designers grew up on playing Halo or some shit. Like Ausbernd wrote  >>/47896/
> Well it's a Leopard 2 with some sci-fi panels on it
Decision makers make their decisions based on this bs? Based on this "peasant blinding" (as we say)? We are literally led by kids. Or maybe because to please the masses the leaders have to give them their sci-fi experience known from movies and vidya? Then again, we are literally led by kids, whom whims have to be catered.

> in theory. It limits the visibility of the crew
They write about sensors, and it seems they have nice screens showing everything around, basically cameras are their eyes now. There should be very little problem with visibility (unless cameras are killed, then they are stuck in a tincan blind).