I got few games recently. Normally I only write about games here if I liked them and either finished them or played for a longer while and I have this rather bad habit of getting a game and then shortly after switching to a different title. Ofc I get back to the previous titles eventually but then it takes time to have the titles finished. 
That said I have some games I can talk about today. 
First one is Selaco. Its not actually done yet but a demo version is avaiable on steam. It's a FPS made in gzdoom engine. In fact some people compared it to FEAR, you know during the fight the glass shards go flying, fire extinguishers exploding and covering the area with fog, lots of destructible objects, this kind of thing. It's not a horror game though, its some kind of sci fi boomer shooter. In the demo your opponents are some kind of cyborgs on a space station. Really fun game, can reccomend. 
Finishing the demo takes about 30 minutes and the game filesize is around 200MB so just go check it out.

Next one I have is Cultic. Thats another boomer shooter but this one is directly inspired by the old Blood game. Again this one is not finished yet, but demo is avaiable. And again I can recommend this as a fun way to spend your 30 minutes of free time. Im defeinitely buying both of them once they come out. 

To include more variety I will finish this post with yet another boomer shooter, but this one is actually finished: Ion Fury. Developed on Build Engine (Duke Nukem, Shadow warrior etc.). You play as a policeman lady who was getting wasted in a local club but was interupted by an attack of some kind of cyber cultist mafia, so now you're on a quest to violently remove them from the city. The level design in this game differs from other shooters, instead of having those corridors you go through and shoot enemies, here you have one big area you go around unlocking access to new rooms etc. and sometimes loop around, while enemies pour almost constantly but from different directions. Once you are done with the area you proceed to another. Also has very fun weapons, everyone with their own quirk. The submachine gun fires incendiary bullets so its sets things on fire, shotgun doubles as a grenade launcher, the revolver has an alternate fire mode where you can lock on three different targets and it will perform an auto head shot, this sort of things. And your melee weapon is a stun baton, as the name suggest you use it to kill enemies but also its used to kick start some electrical devices around the map. It's currently on sale on steam, I grabbed it on GOG some time ago though.