1 tractors and... mp4
(1.84 MB, 1280x720 h264)
2 dung and... mp4
(5.93 MB, 576x1024 h264)
3 police... mp4
(450.7 KB, 240x426 h264)
4 dutch supermarket mp4
(2.97 MB, 1280x720 h264)
There was/is farmers protest in the Netherlands. The govt wants to close down some farms under the pretext of complying with some EU regulations that are supposed to make that swedish autist happier. Actually, I've heard they might in fact be more interested in repurposing that farmland for housing and other things.
Speaking of swedish retards, the Sweden and Mongol Sweden have signed the nato incorporation protocols. Thus becoming Rightful Burger Clay. Congratulations.
I wonder if there was any way for Russia to prevent it. I think Sweden joining wasn't so important for Moscow: ok, they have an actual military-industrial complex that will be added to nato, but the main utility for nato vis-a-vis russia of these norther territories is countering russian ICBMs targeting North America (and perhaps UK) as well as threatening the opposite against Russia/Belorussia and that role is already fulfilled well-enough by Norway. Finland however matters because of the large shared border and proximity to rus capitals. Nothing would have stopped the atlanticists in US/UK, for the same reason that they didn't stop in the case of the Ukraine (sacrificing the prospective new nato members in a proxy war against the designated adversary is fine too). But suppose Moscow promised and publicly and legally committed ahead to nuke finnish capitals in the event of nato incorporation or attempt to effectivise it, would that have had any effect in finnish policies? I'm not sure, after all they have a fucking wyman as head of state.
Anyway, this is important for the Baltic sea and Kaliningrad. They will be completely surrounded by Nato. Really brittle situation.
It is also important for Putin's legacy as a Russian statesman. If he had retired after returning the Crimea he would probably have been remembered with a very positive reputation. But now, to positives like successfully finishing the Chechen wars, GDP growth (specially in the early years, even under economic warfare), and the Crimea, one needs to add: the very questionable decision to not solve the Donbass issue back in 2014/15 when it would have been relatively easy (from a militarily PoV, although it may have been harder economically); we might even say that waiting until 2022 was a mistake and, if it really had to be done, it should have been done no later than winter of 2021, during the 1st of the "scares" in that year (before the planeloads of western weapons that followed); also the less-than-stellar performance in this war that has costed, surely, more lives than expected; the possibility of at least western ukraine becoming another nato outpost; expansion of nato to sweden and finland; the economic uncertainty of coming years due to economic war and usa pushing the world into another "cold war" split into 2 blocs. Without a good result in this war (which to me means securing at least the whole of Novorossiya, which includes Odessa) his record will be mixed at best.
> Photos of the suspect
Oh he also looks some kind of East-Asian metis
> livestreamed from Buffalo last May
Those 2 pics are about that, not this newest one