I have been looking through the latest Australian census data.
From 2011 to 2021, my country town has gone from 14,000 people to 22,000 people...
Average personal income in 2021 here is $825 a week, Average for my state is $734 a week and for the Nation it's $805 a week.
Some more interesting facts.
In 2016 the Population of Australia was 23.4 million, in 2021 it is 25.4 million
In 2016 the average age was 38 in Australia, in 2021 it is 38
In 2016 48% of Australians were married, in 2021 46% are
in 2016 66.7% of people were born in Australia, in 2021 66.9% were
in 2016 34.5% of both parents were born overseas and in 2021 that is 36.7%
In 2016 29.6% put down no religion, in 2021 38.4% did
In 2016 72.7% of households spoke English only, now 72% do
So all in all it's a continuation of the kind of trends one would expect. Though I was surprised by the leap in atheism. Keep in mind that people put down joke answers half the time as well, Jedai is a popular one, I put down Taoist this year.