thumbnail of gibs cOz4U6MFZv4.mp4
thumbnail of gibs cOz4U6MFZv4.mp4
gibs cOz4U6MFZv4 mp4
(3.89 MB, 480x360 h264)
thumbnail of powerful kurokawa.mp4
thumbnail of powerful kurokawa.mp4
powerful kurokawa mp4
(4.95 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of sanctuary chuch, moonie splinter.mp4
thumbnail of sanctuary chuch, moonie splinter.mp4
sanctuary chuch,... mp4
(12.77 MB, 640x360 h264)
gibs: moonie "church" in japan asking donations and material sacrifices for south koreans affected by the ~1997 financial crisis. One dude is speaking korean, the other japanese.

sanctuary chuch, moonie splinter: Not sure, seems like some strange "loyalty" ritual where mobs of moonies kick out people who complain or act insufficiently reverential towards the preacher. Some of them are apparently accused of being "original moonies" from the UC, rather than the SC. The preacher is speaking korean while the background voice seems to be a japanese translation.

powerful kurokawa: Japanese politician red-pilled on jews, seem to believe koreans have great influence over jap govt via the UC-LDP link. They cut off his mic. He sings an "It's all Abe's fault" song. Lol.