thumbnail of Teru-vs-Ichinojo-walkout.jpg
thumbnail of Teru-vs-Ichinojo-walkout.jpg
Teru-vs-Ichinoj... jpg
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Day 5, I'm behind the shedule, busy days.

I thought Kitanowaka did a hairpull, but just pushed on the nape.
Hiradoumi vs Kaisho - they both just took a swing and jumped out leaving it for the chance. Kinda.
Enho, little man, got his second point. Nicely. Although anytime he bags a win, it has to be done in some spectacular way, simple yorikiri or oshidashi is hard to get due to his size I think.
Mitoryu thought he takes a nap in his armchair. There was no armchair.
Kagayaki almost saved it.
Ryuden got beaten. Ow well. Tohakuryu did good I have to say

Midori is in great form for now. Another win. Good chance having a positive balance.
Tobizaru slammed down the big guy.
Kotonowaka vs Endo - Interesting how a moment can decide a bout. Just one, then no stopping.
Kiribayama vs Takanosho - From 1-11 to 2-12. Takanosho knows how to beat Kiribayama. Not today.
Wakatakakage vs Hoshory bouts are always entertaining.
Takakeisho fucked up the first tachi-ai. But not the bout.
Shodai gets his ass handed to. 1-4.
Ura vs Mitakeumi - I had great hopes for this bout. Both were very careful at start. That ar pull by Ura was butifel (tottari). Poor Mita.
Generally Ichinojo doesn't seem to put much resistance up against Terunofuji (13-2 is their balance for Teru). Now this was entirely different pasta and Ichinojo walked out the yokozuna. It was a big struggle (of the titans), Teru tried to clinch his arms, but Ichinojo had a good grip on his panty. Ichinojo was liek the bellows during the interview after the win, catching his breath. But now he leads the banzuke alone, unbeaten.