Day 7
Chiyosakae vs Tochimaru - Very good bout to start the day.
Hokuseiho got an opponent of his size. Did good against Kaisei, who has 1-6 now. Kinda sad, but I'm glad for Hokuseiho. He is tall with long arms, has good record in Makushita.
Bushozan relentlessly beat Enho.
Hiradoumi is very quick at tachi-ai. Torinaoshi. 6-1 for him, leading the board.
While he won it doesn't seem Ryuden has real spirit in him.
Nishikifuji might has something to do in Makuuchi.
Shieeeet. Midori henka'd Myogiryu at tachi-ai. Audience did not like it.
Terutsuyosh' vs Kotoeko - 12:12. They were fairly even now too. But 12:13 till their next meeting.
Weeew, Aoiyama went forward like a machine.
Hokutofuji was fast. Damn fast.
This time Tobizaru got henka'd.
Kotonowaka vs Tamawashi. Monoii. I was expecting Tamawash, but suddenly a pause in Kotonowaka's movement, and it was just enough for Tamawash to fall first.
Takanosho is out. Too bad.
Shodai stopped Ichinojo's march to unbeaten glory. One more point to save his ass and title.
Mitakeumi is out. Covid? Then many more rikishis have to sit this one out.
Wowww. Abi beat Takakeisho very nicely. A combination of henka, then pull down by the nape while pulling with the mawashi, then a throw out.
Terunofuji vs. Ura - Thought dis gon be gud. It was ok. Ura avoided being lifted out, but trying to get out from the clinch, he moved himself out of space, then lifted out anyway.
Still Ichinojo in the lead, but bunch of players right after within reach, but just Teru and Kotonowaka are high ranking. Well, maybe Tobizaru, but he is too light. The 4-3 group is very numerous and it is full of with names who have a yusho in them. And it's still early.