John Lander former... mp4
(37.64 MB, 640x360 h264)
ukrosignaling... mp4
(1.41 MB, 1280x704 h264)
Increased activity on the taiwan proxy-war project again:
- Some days ago washington announced the 5th weapons-sale deal to taipei of the biden govt.
- Yet another us delegation visited taipei to provoke beijing and embolden the separatists. This time there were, among others, the us ex military chief Mark Esper, a very senior suit in the nato mouthpiece Atlantic Council, and a former nato representative from Italy. Esper gave a speech in which he, like Pompeo before, openly advocated for tearing down usa's one-china policy and pushed the island to militarise and die for the GAE. Pic related
- Usa's acting congressional speaker, that geriatric reptilian Pelosi, announced a visit to taipei in august. This comes after she cancelled an analogous trip some months ago (officially due to catching C19, but possibly backing down after warnings from beijing). Like the last time, beijing responded by demanding the visit be cancelled. Biden has claimed that the pentagon has disavowed the reptile's trip, calling it "not a good idea right now". If it happens, it might be one of the final nails in the usg's adherence to one-china policy
More on the topic of proxy wars. I came across this interview with John Lander, a retired australian diplomat. It matches closely a lot of what I have been posting about since last year:
- Aus foreign policy is made in the imperial centre, for the benefit of the imperial centre.
- Malcom Fraser: "Aus need Usa alliance for its defence but Aus only needs defending because of its Usa alliance". The same can be said of the countries gobbled up by nato in its expansion towards russia.
- Aukus is a tool for Usa to project power into the indo pacific and against china. Defending aus not a primary goal.
- Excuses about "freedom-of-navigation operations" are worthless for china who sees them as preparations for potential naval blockade.
- War in ukraine and potential war in taiwan are proxy war project by usa. Usa wants these wars because it seeks to use them in order to economically, militarily, diplomatically, and financially undermine its designated adversaries, while avoiding a direct confrontation that could easily escalate to nuclear exchanges.
- Cold War 2, Yellow Peril 2. The same propaganda is rehashed to again split the world into two blocs (either "with us" or "against us").
- Etc.
On the topic of japan's military agenda ( >>/48071/ >>/48260/). The japanese govt penned an article in which, following the lead of the master (demonstrated for example in the latest nato strategy document), they whine about russia and china in connection to ukraine and taiwan. As usual, they ignore the context of provocations (nato expansion, taiwan secession). They speak about the "threats" that they perceive as coming from these two countries while totally ignoring their own collusion with nato (org aimed against russia) in the most recent summit in spain and the subsequent "informal expansion" of aukus (org aimed against china) into new zealand and japan called Pacific Partners Something Something.
Of course, what they are really doing here is just building up a record which they can later offer as justification for the constitutional-amendment/military-expansion/GAETO agenda.
>>/48196/ >>/48239/
It's looking like my guess will be proven correct and they will install the dumb hawkish blond. A less likely option is an Indian oligarch called Sunak.