Not sure. I recently got telegram to communicate with him, it's fairly underwhelming, I had expected a rival to Twitter but really it's just like texting people and even news feeds are just a series of texts.
Anyway, he got to Poland and met up with the others and they were drinking for a week or so in Poland, then he travelled to Khakiv, then I got telegram and I started talking to him, I asked if he had got to his unit yet, he said that he looked at two but they were both 'sh*t' and he was going to look at more, I had thought that he organised everything with a unit before then, he even told me the unit commanders name and said how it sounded German and that he hoped he was.
The next day I asked if he found another unit, he said he had and was signing paper work and stuff but was only going to get an AK-74 with iron sight, but he would see what he could do about that later, then I asked for a photo of it and he said he would send one when he got it.
So the next day I contacted him again and asked what was happening and he said he was about to get weapons and go to the front, he did not tell me where but he mentioned a very easy to find feature so I know roughly where he is and he said that he would send the photo soon.
That was yesterday, today I sent a message asking about the picture of the rifle and I didn't hear anything from him, Telegram has a feature that tells you when somebody was last online and it says he was last online a few hours after the conversation the day before. So who knows, maybe he is dead already or maybe they took his phone from him. As I said, I know roughly where he is, there was shelling in the area yesterday but none was mentioned in the latest report. I think he's probably fine they just took his phone or he is really busy, I might talk to other relatives to see if they herd anything if I don't hear from him in a few days.