I went visiting family today. I saw my uncle and asked about the front. He said that it's corrupt and the officer pocket all the funding and equipment and leave the guys at the front with barely anything, he said they had terrible food and old AK-74s and stuff. He said there was a shipment of Glocks that was meant for the unit that the officers had just simply taken and sold. He said that when he asked if he could sight his rifle before going to the front he was told that he could sight the rifle on the enemy and that when at the front it was quite in that sector but a T-90 would appear every day and shell them for a bit and he asked why they had not done anything about it and was told they had Javelin missiles but no sights for them. He said that he was going to get paid $3,500 USD a month but he left so did not get any, that's not that much really, that's about what you get in an entry level job here. But as I said, people are not there for money.
Apparently he did actually join the Foreighn legion, I did not think he would because I thought that was a more organised unit but no. Not long ago members form the legion submitted a written complaint to the Ukrainian government complaining about things like I had mentioned and also that they were being ordered to rob stores and stuff.
Well I guess that is the last of that. Good that he survived at least.
I also saw my Grandmother. She was reading Hornblower which is series I saw her reading months ago and she only has three of them in the series. She reads all the time but I don't think she has enough books so she reads what she has over and over again. I said last time I saw here that I would buy here the whole Hornblower series for Christmas but I think I will buy it and just give it to her as a gift, she needs more books to read.