Real Reporter visited a conscription office.
What I'd add:
- It seems to be an office especially set to show to the outside world (he notes that not all offices has those facilities...), so relatively clean, neat, and has recruits with positive attitude.
- The "lawyer" guy, he does not remind me of lawyers, his physique is someone's who trains a lot, and his looks reminds me more of those who enter military service here, and maybe police for smaller extent. Or firefighters. I have doubts about him being a lawyer.
- I'm not sure about that "first mobilization since WWII" thing. They did have a war in Afghanistan, and intervened here in '56 and in Czechonorthernhungary in '68. And maybe others. So they had the opportunity to mobilize.

This reminds me it's october 6th. I have to write something about Hungary today. We'll see.