> Roberto Jefferson
I find this name hilarious.
> heavy words such as genocide and dictatorship.
These find their ways into public talk and reputable media outlets despite they belong to the world sensationalist tabloids. And I think it's a complex problem, can create a "crying wolf" situation, emptying the any real substance until noone cares, and can develop the labeled to fit the label.
> it's the noise overload discouraging truth-seeking and the erosion of informational reputation
This topic interests Odili.
> accredited media is no longer universally trusted, but only accepted on sectarian lines.
I'm not sure they were ever universally trusted. It feels like they were. From Hungarian viewpoint foreign Western news agencies, liek BBC and Reuters were considered such. Or maybe I was just too young and naive to think they were, because my news "sources" back then gave this impression.
> This was promptly condemned by accredited media, which called it censorship. But otherwise accredited media and the courts are part of the same power block.
Sounds like media doing its job. Maybe wasn't censorship, but calling out a questionable decision is good.
> he and his base are also LARPing as Trump
Classic. After the Roe v. Wade "scandal" our govt also had to enact a modification of the abortion law, which means little in practice, but noise could be generated.
This. We want our habbening.