thumbnail of eng-irn-1-0.mp4
thumbnail of eng-irn-1-0.mp4
eng-irn-1-0 mp4
(4.59 MB, 594x326 h264)
thumbnail of eng-irn-2-0.mp4
thumbnail of eng-irn-2-0.mp4
eng-irn-2-0 mp4
(2.55 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of eng-irn-3-0.mp4
thumbnail of eng-irn-3-0.mp4
eng-irn-3-0 mp4
(2.83 MB, 750x424 h264)
thumbnail of kissu.mp4
thumbnail of kissu.mp4
kissu mp4
(757.91 KB, 1280x720 h264)
Well Iran lost hist 1st goalie. His heda got cracked. Crashed into another Iranian player.
England leads by 3.
Iran can't really break in, there was one good action, but missed. And they also can't shut down tight either.