"For most peoples inhabiting the taiga area and forest tundra and not involved in dairy cattle breeding, fly-agarics — hallucinogenic mushrooms — were a peculiar replacement of alcohol."
“Northern reindeer, very avid for mushrooms in general, sometimes eat fly-agarics and, as a result, fall down and for some time behave wildly, as if they are drunk, after which they fall into a profound sleep. If the Koryaks find a reindeer in such a state, they tie its legs until it has had enough sleep and the mushroom juice has ceased to have any effect, and stab the reindeer only after that: If they had killed the reindeer while it was asleep and intoxicated, everybody who ate its meat would have become as frantic as if they had eaten fly-agarics.”
I would say with the above in mind, there does seem to be a link between Amanita muscaria's use in the cold "wintry" areas growing under "wintry" trees such as pine, using the mushrooms for spiritual purposes during the winter solstice (very close to Christmas), the Christmas theme centering around the North Pole, specifically reindeer getting "high", and while they may drink reindeer urine, it may not be during the winter solstice depending on when these mushrooms grow in that area. These themes seem to tie together greatly, but the timeline of the reindeer and winter solstice may not.
The link 404's because I forgot to add a space at the closing parenthesis. Let's try this again https://www.ffungi.org/blog/the-influence-of-hallucinogenic-mushrooms-on-christmas