wakamotoharu-vs-takak... jpg
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2023 Hatsu basho day 1 I watch Sumo do sumo don't these days, and everyone is slim there. Weird seeing these fatsos now, although this is the normal. Juryo Takakento got Asanoyama as his first opponent. The ex-ozeki gave him space, and it seemed he can accomplish there something for a second, but he actually did not have a chance. Asanoyama knows how much he can allow. Terutsuyoshi in juryo. Let's see if he can climb back to Makuuchi. Got beaten by Gonoyama. It did not look good, he was very static, passive. He can have an injury maybe. Roga easy win. Tochimusashi got henkad, then pushed out. Good job Chiyonokuni. Kinbozan vs Kotokuzan. 1 for Kinbo. Tohakuryu vs Enho. Enho is at #4. He failed his opening match. Kinda lost footing, and somewhat was pushed down. Well, unfortunate. Hokuseiho vs Daiamami. Hokuseiho lost sadly. I don't think his legs/knees/ankles are all right. He looked he did his steps gingerly. Makuuchi No Terunofuji. Wonder how much it will take for him to recover from the surgery. I hope he will completely. Ichinojo is out too. But there were some shenanigans. I kinda recall something from Tachi-ai blog. Takarafuji managed to pull it and won. He is way way back in the banzuke, but he is better than that. Tochinoshin won in long struggle against Chiyoshoma. Aioyama big roll. Oho vs. Onosho. Oho held himself well in a pushypushy battle. Onosho found the perfect moment to reach below his opponent's arm and push him back. This threw Oho out of balance, and made him lose the bout. Ura was beaten by Myogiryu very fast. Unexpectedly. He just couldn't hold him up. Nishikifuji vs Ryuden. Someone got bloody. Also mono-ii desu. While Ryuden fall first, Nishikifuji stepped out. Midorifuji great win. Threw Sadanaoumi over. Abi aggressive. Results came. Tamawash and Kiribayama had to rematch. Second run the old guy won. Nicely too. Ex-ozeki battle. Mita beat Shodai. Takayas lost. Daieisho managed to get the initiative. Hoshoryu the dynamite. Tobizaru was btfo-ed quick. Hoshoryu probably aims for the ozeki title. That needs lotsa wins. He has a chance. The lonely ozeki Takakeisho did quick job on Wakamotoharu. Uhh, interesting photo.