> protesters demanding a coup
> great leader isn't even in the country
> breaking into empty offices
> Some have called this an attempted coup d'état
Didn't read this type in Luttwak's.
The last pic looks like some of those on the ground took a nap.
> called the invaders "fanatical fascists and Nazis".
Well those did some of the failed coup attempts in history.
> The Supreme Court's president has deposed the Federal District's governor for 90 days, accusing him of doing nothing to stop the chimpout
Why not just get a new one? What he could do anyway? Mobilize the army?
> Hundreds have been arrested on charges of attempting to overthrow the government.
Jesus. This is just low level vandalism, worth some hefty fines, but overthrowing the govt is a very srs charge. Well maybe not in South Am. where this happens on every other weekend.