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thumbnail of 🎄☢ MERRY CHRISTMAS 2022 ☢🎄.mp4
thumbnail of 🎄☢ MERRY CHRISTMAS 2022 ☢🎄.mp4
🎄☢ MERRY... mp4
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Attention Duke Nukem fans

New mod/game rip for Duke Nukem is out. This one based out of the E3 2001 demo. They patched and fixed a lot of things wrong with the original gamerip release. Still being worked and improved one btw

Gmanlives made a video walkthrough for the new mod. It's an ok-ish video

Also, someone leaked around an 1 hour of GTA6. Unlike this meme video,  >>/47433/ this one is literal demo content from Rockstar's servers

There were some more videos on yt, but I think they got deleted

Also, here's a mod for Duke Nukem Forever. To make it suck a little less