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Real News, Bernd!
London Metropolitan police still hadn't reached the target 40% share of not hwite coppers among its staff. Apparently only 17% of the officers are BAME. So their solution is lowering the requirements, and they recruit “functionally illiterate in English” applicants as well.
While ordinarily this is the thing pol-tier people grumble about, I want to note a couple of something elses.
1. How a typically Anglo thing to do this is. If you want to beat up someone else, don't do it yourself, make those poeple do that instead who are similar to the potential targets. Beat the Pakis with Indians, the Tutsis with the Hutus, the Ukro with the Russian, and then the other way around. Never the do dirty work of others can do it for you.
2. This thing writes about BAME:
> This is no longer used as an official term and many people do not like it because it seems to treat many different people and groups as if they are the same
Rightfully so. It's ridiculous to think a Chinese can represent an African. Besides all those groups are all racist and have their own prejudices against each other. "Here's this call we just got, people are beating up each other in this X neighbourhood. Hey you know what would be a great idea? Send someone there from a rival tribe to diffuse the situation."
3. How is that being colorblind if you cherrypick along percentages? It's fucking racist.
4. We had such laws, that regulated the share of different ethnicities in some particular occupations. The posterity scorns them as racist and anti-semitic for they were enacted to lower the share of Jews in those jobs. How is this not double standards?