So we could think of Moraes as an own powerblock (or at least a figurehead of a separate powerblock)?
> But how did France and Germany become hawks, was it just American pressure?
He prefaces the reasons with saying that in previous conflicts, strong French and German leadership stepped in and made peace via negotiation. In 2008 Sarkozi went and made a deal in case of Georgia, in case of 2014 Crimean conflict it was Merkel who took the initiative and made peace.
He blames the centralization of EU. He said when the member states made the decisions it created peace, but now the center of the empire decided, and turned into war.
He does not blame the US (openly), he generalizes that "The West" made a decision that it will support the war.
Then he goes into saying that the Germans were in the peace camp, and did not send weapons, just helmets. Now in a few weeks the Leopards will roll through Ukraine, to the Russian border and remarks: they might still have the old maps - I have to note this also reflects Putin's analogy between the Tigers/Panthers and the Leos, and this "yet another WWII against us" stance of Moscow. He says the Germans turned with everybody else, and everybody else turned with the Germans, this is how the peace camp dwindled.
He said it is hard to believe that the Germans turned on their own accord. But when they moved into the war camp, they declared they'll be the head of it. And then when the other nations saw that the Germans cannot withstand the outside pressure, they won't be able either. So they followed suit.
Again does not blame the US (openly).
But after a couple of lines he presents how the Democrat US leadership put pressure on Hungary in 2014 (M. André Goodfriend), then now, again the Democrats, with the new Ambassador (David Pressman)it seems we only get Jewish ambassadors from the US, who works hard to press us into the war camp.
After some lines he says that peace will be made when the US and Russia negotiates it.
So we can conclude he mentions three things:
1. the growing centralized power of Brussels
2. direct pressure of Washington on the EU member states, and probably to Brussels itself
3. the weak German resistance (the new and weak leadership of Germany, which he does not say out loud, but I think it's there, since he makes the comparisons in the beginning)
He doesn't blame France or Macron himself, but we also can surmise that without a strong partner in Berlin, Macron went with them. Well in the "others" and "other nations" contains France too.
And when he notes only the US and Russia at the table, he also implies that the EU is a non-player in the question (along with Ukraine).