Apparently Hungarian is used to deliver messages in the Ukrainian conflict because Russians don't understand them.
The Wikipee article cites two sources, one is an article of a Hungarian news portal, it needs login to see the full article so can't tell where they get their info, the other is a facebook post in Russian/Ukrainian, a short video of a soldiers talking over radio in Hungarian, and a comment with explanation.
A short quote from the facebook post:
> Угорська мова - найкраща для шифрування на війні. Військові США в другу світову захищали радіопереговори, використовуючи мову Навахо - японці її перекласти не могли.
> Hungarian is the best language for encryption in war. In the Second World War, the US military protected radio communications using the Navajo language - the Japanese could not translate it.
The rest of the comment has a nice quip saying that while the Ukrainian soldiers communicate and do what has to be done, the Russians have to send the intercepted conversation to Moscow and then to Budapest and wait for Szijjártó (our Minister of Foreign Affairs) decipher it for them, it's already too late.