fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[kc] - Endchan Magrathea
thumbnail of Kidô Senshi Gundam_6100dca1e6f59.webp
thumbnail of Kidô Senshi Gundam_6100dca1e6f59.webp
Kidô Senshi... webp
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thumbnail of MV5BNzNiOTRjZjMtZDQ4ZS00Njk0LWFiYTAtYjAxODc0ZjUyZjFmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA3NTQwNDU4._V1_.jpg
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Finally watched Mobile Suit Gundam film trilogy. The story is quite similar. Our very young hero is thrown into a big space war and has to get a grip, also everyone suffers including the guys on the other side. The war has taken a lot of lifes and recruiting people below 18 years old or civilians with little to no training is not uncommon. It takes place several years before events of Zeta Gundam show. The main characters of both eventually meet in the Zeta show and its obvious to everyone the younger is in the same boots as the guy from the original show, so the older tries to share his wisdom. 

A very good watch, recommend. 

I also watched some other gundam media, or rather tried. They seem to range from not that interesting to garbage. Can't really compare to the original ones. I decided I'll only be mentioning by name the good ones. 

The Gundam trilogy is currently avaiable on N*tflix but sadly not in every country. Zeta has been taken down from the official YT account. Hopefully they'll upload another show soon.