Officials from Northern Hungarian government, from the foreign and defense ministry held a public talk where they gave their opinion about the war in Ukraine. There was a pro-Russian group present, and demanded that they help less in the war effort, citing Hungary remains out of it.
The officials replied that yes, that is the propaganda, but in reality Ukrainian soldiers are trained on the Hungary.
Hungarian article:
My opinion: I doubt it, but could happen. Also raises many questions.
I doubt it because not even the opposition media points out such hypocrisy, despite they wouldn't miss any opportunity to show the Fidesz voter base that they are lied to. On the other hand maybe they won't tell it, because it would look good for those voters who want more participation.
I can imagine it can happen, because hiding some amount of Ukrainian solders and their training from the general populace and the media would be simple. They go to Polan, they get Polish uniform, or from any NATO country, then moved here from any direction except Ukraine, and here they get training. Barely anyone here knows any Slavic language, and even if someone hear them talking can't tell Slavic languages apart, they could be from just about anywhere. I bet some articles already talked about foreign, not USian NATO troops in our country.
Plus the training can be low key stuff, maybe some courses where they sit in a classroom, and each group is here for a weak.
Easy peasy. Lemon squeezy.
But how and why these Northern Hungarian officials would know about it, and why would they tell it?
If they know wouldn't Russians know too? They have intelligence services, and those aren't dumb in lotsa ways. I don't think duping Moscow would be possible.
Then why all the "we remain neutral" talk? And why allow all Western media and Ukraine officials shitting onto us for this? Just to please a slice of Hungarian voters? Even Fidesz voters are divided in the question if we should give military help or not.
I dunno.
They hang on as long as possible. But what cost in men?
I still think they could have been used better in the next defensive line.
Although I suppose they have lines after lines, but maybe they don't have anything built up around. After Soledar they couldn't get a hold and were forced to use the villages as quick fix.