funny mp4
(1.54 MB, 1280x720 h264)
Liveuamap is getting more useless by the day. Sure those areas will be captured, but weeks could go on until they do. I really don't like it.
In Hungarian article I read The New York Times published an article where they conclude that the sanctions aren't as effective as they thought who would have thought, and the sanctioned goods reach Russia via 3rd parties, like the Central Asian *stans.
I can't find the article, but here's a paper that analyze just this issue.
I find the second graph very interesting
> Total imports from Russia less impacted by the relatively low indirect imports
It shows that in direct imports there was a hike from 2020 May to 2022 March, a huge hike, then it was dropped back till 2022 December, but still did not reach the level of 2020 May. I wonder what was imported from Russia in those two years.
Before that there was also a break at 2020 February. Is it about gas and oil? Because Russia is basically a big gas station. At the beginning of 2020 the price of oil reached rock bottom, well below rock bottom. They stopped buying it? Russia stopped selling it? I dunno.
The next two graphs are actually funny. Hungary baed, mkay. t. Germany