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Three rikishis with 11-3: Hoshoryu, Hokutofuji, and Hakuoho. Today the first and the last will face each other. The three osumosan with 10-4 has no chance because of these two, since one of them will win inevitably, gaining the 12th points unreachable for the 10-4 ones.
Roga is up in Makuuchi today. He needs a spot in there for next basho. He fought against Daishoho twice and lost. Just as now. Kinda disappointing.
Gonoyama vs Tamawashi. Gonoyama had high hopes, and he is good. Good enough to defeat the veteran now. 10th win, which is very good for a beginner in Makuuchi.
Bushozan vs. Oho. Neither had a good run, I'm hoping Oho'll get his shit together. Got another point against the badly performing Bushozan.
Hiradoumi was out for his last bout. His left leg injured, said Nattosumo. Sad. He is an energetic and enthusiastic rikishi.
Kinbozan vs Meisei. Kinbozan is also a relatively newcomer with high hopes. But Meisei also needed 1 point to get that 8-7 balance. And he got it.
Midorifuji vs Hokuseiho. Started with brief pushypushy battle, not characteristic for Hokuseiho at all. Then the tiny Midori threw the big guy in an impressive arch. I'm suspecting monkey business, but I'm not bothered by it if it was.
Important bout: Nishikigi vs Hokutofuji. Previously Nishikigi led the toplist for a while, in good form, but to the last bouts he run out of steam. Hokutofuji gained the 12th point necessary for yusho.
Asanoyama vs. Wakamotoharu. Asa needed the 8th, and a win against a sekiwake always promises good things. He just might return to the top ranks. Wharu with 9 point... has to start the ozeki run again.
Daiesho failed to get his 10th point, ending his ozeki run too.
And what everybody as waiting for: Hoshoryu vs. Hakuoho. The ozeki candidate and the rising star. Hakuoho did not entered the stare-down, albeit looked back stern as he had to. Hoshoryu won quick by gaining a firm grip on Hakuoho's mawashi, then throwing him down the clay.
Abi vs. Kirishima. The ozeki couldn't hold himself against the pushes of Abi, who finished the bout unorthodoxly for himself.
And the great finale: Hoshoryu vs Hokutofuji playoff. Wasn't a very good bout. Hoshoryu won comfortably. But I think he got one onto the nose. Or perhaps he got very emotional, almost crying he seemed. I wouldn't be surprised since he got the 12th point needed for his ozeki title, and cemented it by winning the yusho. Congratulations!