> assassination was the safe but cowardly option.
That it was. If it was Putin.
It's an economical cooperation. They are trying to break dollar's hegemony. For a while now. But steps are taken, they may end up there one day.
Saudi joining up is impressive.
There could be other standards and considerations. The mention of lithium at Argentine is interesting. According to wikipee the top lithium producers are: Straya, Chile, China, Argentine, Brazil. US is unknown but it's up there somewhere. Will Chile join up with BRICS in the future? And producing anything in the first world is fucking expensive and will hamper their growth - especially the "transition to green energy". Example. With the war in Ukraine machine production grew on the Hungary, all my cnc buddies got extremely busy. They produce for Western customers. Which means these and similar customers did the job elsewhere: in Ukraine. Why? Because production of Western EU was moved to Ukraine because that was cheap. Actually the whole process looked like this: firs they moved it to Eastern EU, then they moved it to Ukraine, then moved back to Eastern EU.
And then key questions like will Taiwan end up in China in the end? That would corner microchip production (I think US doesn't even have a fab anymore). I'm guessing the US will do everything to prevent that, but considering they don't even fuckin ackonwledge Taiwan, and the process could be a peaceful intergration, and not through war.
Or the fate of the rest of Africa. Just look at what's going on in the countries between Nigeria and Algeria: Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger...
They also set up parallel stuff liek international sporting events, or youth festivals. Reminds me of Eastern Bloc. To some extent.
Just China in herself is considered a danger to US, with other countries pitching in, situation might be worse. And there are other ties with other countries outside BRICS. It's a web or relation, and pulls on that web. I dunno.
Michael Rossi translates Russian speeches of the BRICS talks: