Caspian Report made a video on Iran-Afghanistan relations.
He added a graph about the opium production (see picrel), showing how it dropped after the 2022 ban by the Talibans. I tried to find a source (not much effort) but noone is willing to show any data. It's easy to find articles that carping about the soaring opium production after they took over the country, or saying that banning opium is actualy bad, or claiming that now they moved to cook meth instead. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Caspian Report mentions, that most farmers are now growing wheat, which alleviates the hunger the country fell in. He notes however that grain isn't that profitable, poor Afghan farmers. Now Afghanistan literally has no imports. During US occupation, import got created, people started to buy smartphones and they also needed electricity to make them work. Both was imported. Otherwise they need nothing. Except food if there is hunger in the country. But with food produced locally... what would they spend their money anyway?!