NB_Tájék... pdf
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The National Security Committee of the Hungarian Parliament declassified a report about the migrant situation along and over our southern border. Now with the Israel-Hamas war our govt. isn't lazy to mention the Muslim migrants on all the possible occasions, and this report helps to accentuate the danger. For us simple mortals no data is verifiable from this, perhaps if foreign intelligence agencies or various EU and private research institutions would publish something about it, that could help. I dunno if any such document exists.
This one sadly wasn't made out of a text based files, but from scanned images of a printed document (which is insane in our day and age), so translation might not be easy for foreigners it's in Hungarian ofc.
In short this document states that various human trafficker gangs emerged who fight each other with a growing arsenal of firearms, and occasionally they even open fire on our border guards with assault rifles. The actions of the Serbian police is ineffective. It names two gangs specifically, the 303 and 40-059 Afghan human trafficker groups (yes, those are their names), and also mentions that the Taliban took over the organization and leadership.
The document also says that one route of the traffickers from Afghanistan is via Tajikistan, for they can get Tajik passport, which allows them to move freely within the Commonwealth of Independent States, and can get to Belgrade with boarding in Moscow easy.
Another route is open for those who come from Türkiye (eg. Kurds), Azerbaijan, or Dagestan, for Serbia grants easier entry from Turkey.
It seems on average the Hungarian border control stops 2500-3000 illegal border crossings per week.
The report also states that human trafficking is a profitable business, a growing market. It costs €1000 without haulage to cross the border. I don't get where the money comes from. Impoverished Syrian refugees or Afghani goat herders? The document does not gives an answer to this.