Takayas-vs-Ho... jpg
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Day 6
Lotsa very good fights today. In general the whole tournament goes well. So just a few here.
Yuma vs Tochimusashi. Good bout right at the start! Tochimusashi - visiting from Makushita division - won.
Hitoshi vs Shiden. Bretty gud pushy-pushy fight for juryo.
Shimanoumi vs Takakento. And this one was bretty gud panties grabbin fight.
Ichiyamamoto bagging the 6th win against Nishikifuji. Nice bout.
Seemed like Roga beat Takarafuji in a great bout, good fight. But was mono-ii if his heel was out. I think it was but the elders decided otherwise.
Ryuden vs Oho. Jesus! Awesome fight! Very energetic, alternatingly gaining the upper hand. Then deadlock. And in the end Ryuden rocked Oho slowly out of the ring.
Atamifuji fucked up by constantly trying to reach for Sadanoumi's belt. His tries costed time and allowed Sadanoumi to force his own sumo.
Hahahahaha, Nishikigi lifeted Hokuseiho out! What a turn of events! Hokuseiho is a tall lad but not fat enough to be unmovable obstacle.
Ura! Urrraaaaaahhh!
And Shodai beats Daieisho. I did not expect this.
Whew, Gonoyama beat Kirishima. Very quick. To be honest I think Kirishimas right leg slipped. On the other hand they should take care that doesn't happen, part of the skillset to avoid that.
Tobizaru henkad Takakeisho, but couldn't exploit it. Then Takakeisho beat him with his pushy-pushy routine.
Takayas isn't in his best form, he looked unsure, and reactive, instead of the one dictating the pace. But in the end he pulled Hoshoryu's leg out, and flattened him onto the clay. Very good bout. I cannot put my finger on where Hoshoryu failed here, but he could win it earlier I think.
Kotonowaka nad Ichiyamamoto are still unbeaten.