Have couple of snippets related to Ukraine. So the question of elections are coming up over and over, here's what's going on essentially:
tl;dr elections are prohibited, can they, will they, how, when, why, etc.
This is how the Hungarian state/Fidesz media presents it (often times in one article or programme or interview):
> Ukraine is a dictatorial shithole, elections are banned, Zelensky a tyrant, entrenched in his position impossible to remove
Then they present "opposition" voices (basically they drop couple of names, like Klitschko, whom can be a possible candidate for presidency), then they cry:
> Zelensky's position is precarious, he can fall every day
The other snippet. This article:
... says Rheinmetall makes Lynxes for Ukraine, and the new factory built on the Hungary (we mentioned this way earlier, perhaps in the tank thread, it was opened in August) also produces for them!
The article talks about specifically the first 10 Lynxes.
Additional information:
- Rheimnetall is the largest partner of Ukraine from the military industry
- it got €900 million orders, this risen to €2,5 billion
- the maintenance will be done in Ukraine by Ukrainian mechanics trained in Germany
- no new factories will be built in Ukraine, but they'll rent and refurbish old ones, which proved fairly well protected durint he war.