Ukrajna... mp4
(6.63 MB, 540x960 h264)
(6.63 MB, 540x960 h264)
Now back to the membership vote, specifically Ukraine and Orbán, because the media is the loudest about this. And frankly this thing kinda smells funny, and the media (Politico gives the credit to that dunce Scholz, lol) does not offer clear view entirely. The gist is that after hours of debate Orbán left so the rest can vote yes. I tried to get videos of the "doorstep" interview of Orbán, I couldn't find the whole thing. So there is one piece about Georgia, and another about Ukraine membership talks and the funds. He also published a short video on his Facebook channel, finally it was uploaded to yt, so I grabbed it. In the short video Orbán gave an explanation, and I listened the interview with him on radio this morning, where he essentially repeated it while added some more details about the circumstances. Translation of the video: We were wrestling with each other for almost 8 hours here in Brussels, in the summit of premiers. We have a great debate about Ukraine's membership in the EU. The standpoint of Hungary is clear, Ukraine is not prepared to start the membership talks. It is fully pointless, irrational, and incorrect decision in these circumstances to start the talks with Ukraine, and Hungary does not revises her standpoint. However 26 other countries insisted to make this decision, so Hungary concluded, that if 26 of them pick this choice, they can go on their way. Hungary does not wish to take part in this wrong decision, so Hungary stayed away from it today. Negotiations continue with the alteration of the budget. So what the "other side" says it is easily accessible to foreigners, for example here's two articles on Politico: The first article handily gives a link to an official EU website about how the Unanimous vote and the abstention works: It's not entirely clear however that "abstention" means they have to declare they are abstaining or it can happen in their absence (and that is automatically means abstention). In the latter case: why bother to invite Orbán at all, they can just say stay away we're voting without him. Imagine they're holding council meetings in secret, so the Orbán won't find out. Kek.