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Orbán did not veto the 3 year €50 billion for Ukraine package. Despite all the loud hurr durr Hungarians could hear from the Fidesz/govt. media, and despite all the screeching of leftlib Western papers and politicians, who created big circus with the demands to initiate Article 7 (and denying voting rights) against Hungary.
Reports about this event (the green lighting of the package) are very concise. I think they are working from Tweets... the bastardization of journalism continues.
Hungarian reports similarly short.
For now no word about why Orbán did not veto. I guess they need time to come up with a good a shitty one, not even reasonable, but they'll repeat it until everyone here believes it lie. So after our govt. told us again and again that they look at our best interest, what deal they could barter in Brussels? I'm so excited to get the answer! I'm not.
Charles Michel Moar liek Charlotte Michelle amirite. What an ugly broad. has an interesting line in his twat:
> EU is taking leadership & responsibility in support for Ukraine; we know what is…
> EU is taking leadership [in] support for Ukraine
Does this confirm that the US cannot be relied on for sure now?
Anyway this money will end up in USian pockets eventually, Ukraine is just a bus stop.