Orbán says "we got an acceptable offer".
He got guarantee that the money for Hungary won't end up in Ukraine, and that the dough will be renegotiated next year, and voting again at the end of the second.
The reality however is different.
EU isn't a global power because EU is an international economic organization (bit similarly to BRICS, except more demanding, has to give up part all the parts that matter of sovereignty).
US enjoyed unipolar hegemony from the dissolution of the Soviet Union for about two decades perhaps (there is no clearly defined end date). Then China emerged and Russia get their shit together, and now we are in a multipolar world with USA on top, then China and Russia follows. The EU to become a global power has to change into a state. She can does it anytime member states wish that.
Problem with EU that all the resources are outside of her. I agree her real chance would be creating an interdependent deal with Russia, basically allowing Russia to join EU. There are always efforts on building bridges, Macron tried to do so.
> non-hegemonic, inclusivist approach is real power of EU
There are barely anyone outside EU now. Ex-Yugo, Albania. The parastate Kosovo. Norway and Switzerland are members in every way that matters except in name (so no voting rights). The big naysayer, the UK is out. As I heard Turkey doesn't really wanna join anymore. Georgia and Moldova is in, perhaps Bosnia too. What will be left from Ukraine will be crammed in (well at least how things stand at the moment).