Orbán had his ~20 minutes long interview this morning - similarly to the last time when he did not vetoed Ukraine's EU integration.
Basically he reiterated what they presented yesterday: he got "strong guarantees" that the money of the Hungarian people lol won't end up in Ukraine. And that the deal will be renegotiated yearly. For the first point: I believe he presents how the EU budget works untruthfully, for the second we already know it won't look like that.
In the rest of the 20 mins he talked about various stuff related to the topic. He said that this €50 billion is for the upkeep of the Ukrainian state, for the wage of bureaucrats, public workers, for the pensions, for the hospitals, education, etc.
He said the EU has a separate budget, the so called "peace facility", where they allocate the money spent on weapons. He said that is a separate discussion entirely. He said Hungary doesn't participate in the allocation.
Btw, Orbán had a different suggestion how to send money to Ukraine, how to finance it. This 50 billion deal is going from the regular pre-negotiated 7 year budget of the EU. He wanted to get the money from a different source or whatever (it doesn't really matter, the point is he did not say he don't want to send money).
I like how that circle on picrel looks like a halo/gloriole. Kek.