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#5 - Now this is the thing that noone can know. What would Trump do? What would be the effect?
#6 - Again, this was done in January. Much, much water will flow down the Danube till the EU election in June. Even now things are different. If people see that Ukraine can't hold, they'll think why increase support, why keep it up, why not tell 'em to negotiate?
#7 - I included this because it's hilarious. 65% says the political system is broken in their own countries. My top 3 suspects: Hungary, Greece, Polan and Italy on the 4th. Polan because they just changed government and things are shaky. There are other countries with pessimist realist people, basically all Easter EU ones and I'm guessing Spain.
#8 - Now here Hungary isn't the least pessimist, but most have a strong opinion, only 26% says don't know or don't care. Greece has abysmal opinion of EU, kek. I'm surprised France "scored low" but mostly because of the neutral people, they aren't sure. Does this indicated skepticism towards EU? This question could measure if people find EU competent enough, an they don't seem so. At least when it comes the this war. Perhaps in other topics they'd say EU is doing all right job.

My take is that "pro-war" Western leftlibs have to put great effort to keep people learning the coming bad news from the front. They'll try to do it, and they'll keep up generating fear from Russia, they'll keep inflating the danger Russia poses, while keep downplaying the strength of Russia in the war. Which is a curious contrast, but they are doing that. All pro-Ukrainians online (serious supporters and bloody mouth "fanboys" as well) doing this, and soldiers on the fronts too (I might write something about this later).
Ukrainians also build this "we failed, because we got deserted, betrayed" mindset, which was so characteristic to WWI veterans (and ofc the Hungarian mindset in relation to '56). "We could have fought on, but the supporting structure said no more."
I don't think the future will be comfortable, but at least will be interesting.