thumbnail of halloween in january - Bojack.jpeg
thumbnail of halloween in january - Bojack.jpeg
halloween in january... jpeg
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Has this ever happened to you bernds? You wanna play GTA San Andreas with another bernd, but you can't? You play a long mission and you don't have any checkpoint options.

Well now you can, with Project Kaizo. A GTA San Andreas mod that has a lot of quality of life improvements to the game

- All of the clothes are available from the start of the game
- Storyline with 2 players
 - Accessible interiors like in The Warriors (pressing △/Y and only those necessary for missions)
- Compatibility with autosave and previously saved games (on PS2 only with 1.03 versions of NTSC and PAL).
- Restored Hot Coffee for PS3 and X360
- Available for all version in english, spanish and portuguese (only for PS2)
- Creation of respawn at any time (you can create a Imagem, it's a solution for not respawning in the center of the map)
- Second player has a skin selector, and you will appear with him for the rest of the game until you reset
- The health and armor of the second player are constant (if he despawn and spawn he will have his health and armor as before)
- A reworked cheat menu based on PTMG with options compatible with the second player.
- Both players can drive vehicles at the same time
- Mods from PC and Android adapted to console.
- Some mods from PC are compatible with the second player.