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Nagoya basho starts on Sunday!

In juryo it's Onokatsu, who jumped from the 12th place to the 1st, and Takerufuji who is recovering from an injuri but did gigantic splash on his debut in makuuchi. If he has really recovered, we can expect good results from him. The third promising talent, Hakuoho struggled due to injury, had to sit out matches and now he is at #13 and I'm not sure about him being well enough either.

I dunno if Terunofuji is well enough either. He might enter the tournament again, and has to withdraw again. His joints and spine are fucked. No doubt about it.
Kirishima is relegated to sekiwake, Onosato elevated to the same rank. Both him and Abi are starting an ozeki run. Frankly Onosato has the better chance to get another 10+ wins.
Takakeisho is struggling this year on all the bashos. He is injured, in January he was out, in March he barely got an 8 together, had to sit out the last bout, then had to sit out almost all the last basho, and now he is kadoban, in danger of relegation. He is sitting on the ozeki laurels on a long long time. It would be an upset for sure if he'd had to leave.
Last time Atamifuji was a bit disappointing but close to the top of the banzuke, all opponents are tough. he managed to beat Hoshoryu last time - which is a feat in itself - , and Takakeisho before that. Will we see some good sumo from him?
Asanoyama drifted down after skipping the tournament of May. He surely can climb back, if he is okay.

I'm hoping it will be a good basho, but with so many talented rikishis struggling with health issues left and right it will be a surprise whatever we get.